Boom Power has secured planning approval to construct a solar farm on approximately 94 hectares of land, located near Hull, East Yorkshire. This project will have a generating capacity of 49.9 megawatts (AC capacity) for distribution to the national grid. Kenley Solar Farm will assist the East Riding of Yorkshire Council’s Climate Change Strategy 2022-2030 which commits to delivering net zero and building resilience across East Riding. The approval of renewable energy projects such as Kenley Solar Farm will propel the mitigation of carbon emissions to net zero and enable a more robust approach to the impacts of an ever-changing climate. Most importantly, while the challenges are great, East Riding have embraced the opportunity to lead by example to facilitate change, kickstarting rapid action.

As with all Boom Power projects, emphasis on achieving a net biodiversity gain is at the forefront of the design process. Kenley Solar Farm has been assessed using an industry standard methodology and concludes that the development will result in an onsite net increase of 77% in biodiversity units, 108% increase in hedgerow units and lastly a 14% increase in river units. This is well above the accepted minimum of 10% (which is expected to become a national policy requirement in the near future). These statistics highlight the meticulous development process each project is subjected to, whereby the landowners, the local community and industry professionals come together to shape each project. Boom Power prides itself on achieving the very best solution by generating an end result that whilst maximises electricity output, has consideration for the wider environment.

Mark Hogan, Founder of Boom Power comments, “it is imperative to the ethos of our business that we work in partnership with the council and community to obtain a transparent approach. I have every confidence that this project portrays a collaborative effort on all fronts and that as a team, we have endeavored to meet the highest standard solar farm. We have a long-term commitment to Kenley Solar Farm whereby we aim to oversee the construction phase which is anticipated to commence mid-2023, timelines will largely be driven by the final grid connection dates, Boom Power will run as fast as the ability to export energy allows. I am very proud of the team for achieving a successful determination, adding another notch to our belt as we continue to establish our portfolio for rapid decarbonisation.” Mark continues, “we will remain in communication with East Yorkshire community as we continue to develop our secondary project within the area, East Yorkshire Solar Farm, a National Significant Infrastructure Project (NSIP). This groundbreaking project could have the capacity to generate an astounding 400 megawatts which would in succession make East Yorkshire a primary force in transforming the UK’s energy landscape. The statutory consultation for this project will begin in the new year.”

Jan Kruger, Managing Director of Pelion Green Future, Boom Power’s joint venture shareholder and partner, comments: “We applaud Boom Power for securing their third planning approval of this year. It is of no surprise, that with the current energy crisis, vast deployment of renewable energy is vital for energy security and economic growth. By reducing the dependance on imported gas and increasing the proportion of the energy mix that comes from renewable sources, the UK energy market would with no doubt, hold greater stability. Projects such as this play a huge part in securing environmental and financial performance. Boom Power are pioneers of the solar sector, driving forward the transition to a stable, resilient, and climate-friendly landscape. It is a very exciting time for renewables.”